How to Stay Inspired for Life

How to Stay Inspired for Life

I don’t know about you, but winter sometimes drags me down into the dumps. I’ll have days where all I want to do is sleep in until noon and then binge watch the latest Netflix show well into the night, ordering takeout so I don’t even have to leave home. Or I’ll have other days where I stare at a blank computer screen for what feels like hours, willing creative content to pour out of me when it seems like every inspired bone in my body has been sucked dry.

Vista Celestial Resort Review

Vista Celestial Resort Review

I wish I could have stayed forever, and I will definitely be going back! Overall, the scenery is like nothing you’ve ever seen before, the food is amazing, and the staff’s devotion to even the tiniest of details will make your stay there feel SO special. I can’t wait for my next adventure, but until then I’ll just keep looking back at the pictures and wishing I was there!

Cowspiracy Review

Cowspiracy Review

I’ve known from a very young age why I didn’t want to eat animals for ethical reasons, but this documentary opened up my eyes to the impact on the environment as well, and it’s devastating. Not only does the livestock industry create more pollution than any other, it also takes insane amounts of water to kill and process animals into the food that shows up on our tables.