How To Start An At Home Yoga Practice

Creating a home yoga practice is a GAME CHANGER. An at home practice allows you to train more often and to focus on your specific needs. Most people feel like starting a home practice is complicated. I can see how it can be a daunting task, but with the right essentials, it can be a breeze.

Essentials for an easy breezy at home yoga practice:

Home Yoga practice, kylan fischer, yoga_ky How to practice yoga at home
  • A dedicated space: Find a space that you can practice without interruption. This can be as simple as a corner where you can roll your mat out. In my old/small studio apartment I literally had to practice in the center of the kitchen. Take a look around and see if there is anything you can move around to create this space. I like to leave my mat out to encourage myself to practice more often.

    For ideas on creating the perfect yoga space check out this article: 18 Yoga Room Ideas for Your Small Space

  • Music: I can’t deny that music sets the vibe. Make a playlist with your favorite relaxing songs. Jack Johnson is my go to, but any soothing/chill tunes can help set the mood for a calm yoga practice.

Home Yoga practice, kylan fischer, yoga_ky How to practice yoga at home

Set an intention: Before your start your practice decide what you want to focus on. There are no rules: your intention can be spiritual, emotional, or physical. Here are some examples to get you started.

Examples of intentions for your home yoga practice:

  • Physical:

    • Backbends

    • Hip Openers

    • Core Workout

    • Balance Poses

  • Emotional:

    • Gratefulness

    • Letting Go

    • Healing

  • Spiritual

    • Connecting with the earth

    • Listening to your inner voice

    • Tuning in through mediation

  • Comfortable yoga clothes: This one is obvious. I like to chose stretchy clothing that is soft and makes me feel good. Wearing the right outfit can help set the tone. If I am trying to have a physically challenging practice with inversions and vinyasa I will wear tight and small clothing: such as shorts and a sports bra. If I am going to practice yin and mediate I will wear sweat pants and a soft loose fitting top.

  • Intuition: Listen to your body. Use the knowledge you get from yoga classes and apply it to your home practice. Do what feels good! Most importantly, go with the flow. Allow yourself the space to fall, mess up, and try again without judgment. The world is judgmental enough, we do not need to bring criticism or judgement into our yoga practice. Be proud of yourself for showing up to your mat, even if it is for just a few minutes.

Home Yoga practice, kylan fischer, yoga_ky How to practice yoga at home

What are your must-haves for an at-home yoga practice? Comment below!