
Plantain Chips & Guacamole

Plantain Chips & Guacamole

Plantain Chips and Vegan Guacamole. BEST. COMBO. EVER. Plantain chips have way more nutritional value than Corn Tortilla Chips, which makes this a perfect healthy alternative. Plantains when cooked have around the same goodies nutritionally speaking as potatoes except plantains are higher in fiber and are richer in magnesium and potassium.

Vegan in Vegas

Vegan in Vegas

Oh how times have changed. Over the last decade the amount of vegan options in vegas has flourished! About 10 years ago I remember my only real option was to get fresh groceries at the store, and fill my sink in my hotel room with ice to keep my fruit/veggies fresh (like most people do with their beer), because there was close to zero good vegan options in vegas.

Homemade Vegan Eggplant Sushi

Homemade Vegan Eggplant Sushi

It's national sushi day (June 18), and what better way to celebrate the mouth-watering food than with a vegan version? This is my all-time favorite type of vegan sushi, and although it does take a little hunting in the grocery store for the Asian eggplant (one of the weirdest foods I've ever worked with), it's well worth it. I've even been told by my non-vegan friends that it tastes exactly like sushi with fish in it!

Two Ingredient Pineapple Nice Cream

Two Ingredient Pineapple Nice Cream

Some days you feel like spending hours in the kitchen, taking lots of time to make a complex dish and make it look nice. Other days, you just want to eat.

Thankfully, there's a happy medium, and it's this nice cream! Everybody by now must know that I'm in love with banana-based vegan ice cream, called nice cream. It's super versatile, and lets me turn my favorite smoothie flavors into ice cream with only a few short minutes of blending. This one is the simplest possible one, as it only includes two ingredients, so you can get creative with how you serve it!

Best Vegan Cosmetic Brands

Best Vegan Cosmetic Brands

If you hadn't caught on yet, I've been vegan for a while. Checking ingredients lists when I buy anything, from salads to veggie burgers, has become a simple fact of life for me. Living in California it's pretty easy to be vegan; practically any grocery store sells tofu and whatever vegan cheese your heart desires. Unfortunately, however, is how difficult it used to be to find good cosmetic and body-care products that were vegan and cruelty-free. Teenager me used to stand in my local target lipstick aisle, struggling to find things with the coveted label.

Vista Celestial Resort Review

Vista Celestial Resort Review

I wish I could have stayed forever, and I will definitely be going back! Overall, the scenery is like nothing you’ve ever seen before, the food is amazing, and the staff’s devotion to even the tiniest of details will make your stay there feel SO special. I can’t wait for my next adventure, but until then I’ll just keep looking back at the pictures and wishing I was there!

Cowspiracy Review

Cowspiracy Review

I’ve known from a very young age why I didn’t want to eat animals for ethical reasons, but this documentary opened up my eyes to the impact on the environment as well, and it’s devastating. Not only does the livestock industry create more pollution than any other, it also takes insane amounts of water to kill and process animals into the food that shows up on our tables.